The idea of a forest peace
treaty and a sustainable industry has been around for quite a while.
In the late 90's there was an attempt based on the acronym CARS ,
which is to say a Complete And Representative Sample of each of the
different pre-settlement vegetative types that would be preserved,
and scientific opinion was that 15% should provide for adequate
biodiversity. Government and industry pressure reduced that to 7%,
but according to Forestry Tasmania even that was too much and would
mean the cessation of logging in commercially valuable old growth
stands on which so much of their mandated sawlog production
depended. And a lot of the remnants were on freehold land and
landholders would be asked to make generous covenants to top up
particular categories.
Agriculture had been a
major part of the problem. If trees are to do well they need pretty
much the same conditions as other crops and so most of the tall
forests, especially on red soils, had been cleared for the purpose.
Deep weathering occurs quickly with volcanics so they are relatively
fertile. Other rock types are so slow that fertility tends to exist
only where it can come in from elsewhere, like the sediments in
valley bottomland. Elsewhere you only need look at the tree rings.
A lot of our species have adapted to the slow availability of
nutrients from the continual recycling of the forest within itself on
virtually worthless subsoils. Huon pine for instance – some of
those bigger trees are pushing a thousand years old and you will find
them growing anywhere protected but very wet and bleak, surrounded by
detritus but often with nothing more underneath them than white
quartz sand. And when and if it is logged to the point of opening
up the canopy it is replaced in the short term by cutting grass and
other nutritionless shrubs that make do on leaf litter remnants.
When that burns, as it all will – once or twice and the whole plant
community is history.
It seems to be part of our
normal mental function that belief trumps mathematics and general
common sense. Those CAR percentages add up to 100 and no more. And
it is amazing that a large percentage of the population believes that
a number like 40% can apply to remaining economic stands of native
timber whereas in fact this country has been 'locked up' because it
has no economic value other than recreational or quarrying and
grossly over-represents communities of stones, alpine mosses, dunes,
and stunted shrubbery in the high country.
When I built my sawmill
and began organizing my minor species salvage/retail operation Mike
Peterson of FT took me around the plantation at North's Hampshire
freehold which they were converting to eucalyptus nitens. A casual
observer wouldn't have noticed, but he pointed out the sensitivity of
growth rates to fertility and microclimate. The trees were doing
well near the partially burnt windrows where they had wind protection
and fertility. On most of the ground the trees were only a fraction
as tall and struggling and this was only the first rotation after
native forest. On the next rotation all that windrow material would
be finally burnt and smoothed out. Subsequent plantings in their 17
year projected cycle would have no advantage at all . So projected
growth rates were a dream and a few years later the woodchip
companies with the help of generous tax concessions for investors
began acquiring farmland. This was in lower elevations than the
freehold and years of fertilizer applications had enriched the soil.
Native timber up there on the other hand had been superlative albeit
slow growing.
At one point there was a
question as to whether some of it should be protected as rainforest.
Our federal MP at the time was Chris Miles and he worked hard to
show that it was in fact unworthy of protection, having been degraded
by previous logging operations. These had mainly been billet cutting
for the Burnie paper mill. This was before modern forest practices
and billets for chipping and papermaking were produced as follows.
Trees were selectively felled and cut into eight foot lengths with
dragsaws or chainsaws. Contractors chose the biggest, best and
cleanest trees because the sections had to be split with wedges so
they could be loaded by hand crossways onto their rigid flat tray
trucks and carted down to the coast. Local people around my age
(just retired) remember their fathers coming home exhausted in the
cold wet winters. After splitting and loading their quota they would
often as not have had to winch the trucks out through the mud and
sleet to get home. There is a lot of civic pride in Burnie's paper
making heritage in spite of the fact it was murderous from those
early years and not only in the bush. My neighbor told me about
working in the lower level of the mill where they made the chlorine.
“We used to roll the
mercury around in our hands. And the collecting hoods above the
tanks were stainless steel lagged with blue asbestos.”
Which they would push into
the joints with a blunt chisel tool if the smell of chlorine got too
strong. The mercury in the bottom of the tanks of salt water was
the electrode. And of course much of it ended up in Emu Bay.
“Is anyone still alive.”
I asked.
“No, only me.”
“Did anyone ever sue?”
“Not a one.”
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